Monday, July 20, 2009

Neurotic or just punctual?

I am not a procrastinator. Not since my sophomore year of college anyways. I hate unfinished business, don't want it hanging over my head. In fact, I usually can't wait for my writing deadlines to arrive, because although I may have a project finished, I will not submit it early. I feel I should use every available minute and opportunity to further perfect it. So, most times, I am frantic for 7-10 days before a deadline trying to pick an article to death before submitting it by 9 a.m. on the deadline day (after reading it over a casual 6-8 additional times. . .you know, just to be sure).

Conversely, while working out I try to wish the "deadline" away. I just got off the treadmill a few minutes ago. I try to vary my routine, for fitness and to keep myself from going crazy. Tonight, I kicked my butt by maxing out for about 90 seconds, then walking at a brisk pace for 90 seconds. I went back and forth several times after a full 20 minutes of steady jogging. I like the brisk walking best, and when the 90 seconds started winding down and I knew I would have to ramp it up and kick my butt again, I relished my last few seconds of brisk walking. However, I never cheated, in fact I would usually push the speed button up a few seconds early. Surprise attack. On myself.

I'm not sure what the moral is here, other than this: Doesn't it feel good to just get it done?

My motivation at work has been fleeting lately. I get there in the morning all fired up, but by lunch, I'm pretty much done. I guess it's the summer mentality, and that's okay. Soon enough school will be back in and I'll be forced to dig for motivation at 3 and 4 in the afternoon because that will be the first chance I'll have all day to sit down and do desk work, project work, busy work. There will be so much to do, but I will get it done. And it will feel great. So, I guess it's okay to stare out my window for 10 out of every 30 minutes of the post-lunch work day. I'm getting plenty done in the morning, and I know me, when push comes to shove everything that needs doing will get done. Even if it's after lunch, even if it means breaking my brisk walk a few seconds early.

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