Sunday, August 23, 2009

Adventures in movie going

Friday night I went out with my parents and sister to celebrate my mom's birthday. Mom wanted to see The Time Traveler's Wife, so my sister and I went with her, and my dad opted to see Inglorious Basterds on his own. Our movie let out about 50 minutes earlier than his, so we waited for him in the lobby of the theater. Oh wow. It wasn't really late, 9:10 or so, but already nocturnal phenomena was occurring.

If you've seen Men in Black, you know that Tommy Lee Jones explains that a certain number of "humans" on earth are actually aliens in disguise. What he failed to mention is that they congregate at the Carmike Theater in Longview, Texas. That sounds severe, I know, so let's soften it and be more specific. What I witnessed was mostly the confusion and insecurity of junior high exemplified in dress and behavior.

This was the last weekend ahead of the start of public school, so I'm sure the kiddos were out in full force solidifying their alliances for the school year. When I was in junior high (shudder) I always had a list of people to call at the end of the summer to set myself up socially for the school year. You have to compare schedules and find out where lockers are so you can easily find one another at break and lunch and avoid the awkward "loner" moments and panic that comes with not having anyone to sit with. I was a poster child for insecurity in junior high. I didn't want to appear alone for even the shortest amount of time. Nevertheless, these poor kids. . .I can see things have not changed.

In my 50 minute adventure Friday night, I saw many things. I observed a faction of the pre-teen Mexican mafia act and react to stimuli in their natural habitat: the arcade game corner. There were young ladies that seemed to be skinny jean/punkish types on the bottom halves of their bodies, but something entirely different and preppier on the top. One group entered the lobby only to buy movie theater nachos, and then apparently left. I know I go out of my way constantly for stale chips topped with thick, congealed, re-warmed, processed cheese product. (??!) The plastic container is the cherry on top. Oh, and the fact that they cost $6.75!!!

I also saw adults that piqued my curiosity. Although, people that attend ten o'clock movies intrigue me in general. I admire them, as it's something I cannot accomplish. I haven't gone to a movie past nine o'clock since high school, and the chances are I didn't go then. I just said I was to stay out past curfew. Nowadays, I'm tucked in by ten watching The Nanny and it's lights out by 10:30. Anyways, back to these adults. One gentleman wore loafers, white linen pants, and a pale pink button down untucked. His wire-rimmed glasses were brushed on the top by his slightly shaggy, sandy blonde hair, and he walked in relaxation with grace and ease. I anlayzed this person and created an entire existence for him while he was buying his popcorn and soda, which took a really long time, by the way. . .Carmike. I decided he was a writer, go figure, who has been published before (so jealous. . .why can't I get my break?), and is staying in Longview to research his book on, well I didn't get that far, but I decided he had written several chapters that day and was going out for a movie to relax his mind before hitting the writing hard again the next day.

What fun people-watching is! If you haven't tried it, you should. It can be inspiring and just plain interesting. My experience was so interesting, I took notes. To write this blog. See, inspiring.

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