Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Optimism rules

Looking over my recent posts, I realize I’ve been negative as of late. I’m sorry.

This blog site, above all, is supposed to be humorous. I love laughing and I love making others laugh, and I’ve been a downer (both in blog world and in person) these past few weeks, er, months.

Somebody I know was just put on an anti-depressant. When I found that out, it occurred to me it’s been a (if I swore, I would insert foul adjective here) year. So, I guess it’s okay for me to be a little crabby and unpredictable here and there. Still, I am vowing to do better – I have too many wonderful people, and too much general wonderful-ness in my life to be down all the time. Things will work out just as they should, and in the meantime, I need to apply the “be a better grown-up” rule to my attitude. But, please note, my sense of humor is dry and cynical, so don’t take my sarcasm as negativity, it’s merely my way of conjuring up a laugh to go along with the lemonade I attempt to make out of life’s lemons. (That sentence made sense to me, go back and read it slower.)

To my friends, family and loyal fans (both of you), chin up.

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